If we wait until the person who wronged us apologizes before we
forgive him, we fall victim to our rage and our wounds while we wait. We need
to understand that forgiveness happens within ourselves; it is not an interaction with another. When we wait for an apology, we may be confusing forgiveness with reunion, or (in the worst case), we may
be using others' apologies to obligate them to us.
Smedes gives five arguments against forgiving an unrepentant person
and counters each one.
If a person who wrongs us does not repent, he doesn't deserve
to be forgiven.
Nobody deserves to be forgiven.
Forgiveness is only for people who don't deserve it. Being sorry does
not earn us the right to forgiveness.
Forgiving someone who does not repent is just too hard to
Forgiving unrepentant people is a no-lose opportunity to start
your own healing.
To forgive an unrepentant person is not fair to ourselves.
Are we fair to ourselves by prolonging the bitterness and hate? Are we being fair to ourselves when we let the other, the very person who wronged
us, decide when we get to forgive?
To forgive an unrepentant person is dangerous; if he feels
no sorrow for what he did, he is likely to do it again.
Forgiving is not tolerance.
We do not invite the person we forgive to get close enough to us to hurt us again.
The Bible says that we have to repent before we can get forgiven.
Does this mean that we should not forgive anyone until he is sorry
for what he did? We cannot afford to wait for this before we begin healing ourselves. The person who hurt us should not be the one to decide whether or when we should recover
from the pain he brought us.
Keep in mind that there is a difference between forgiveness and
reunion. If a person who has wronged us wants to reestablish the relationship,
he must come in sorrow and repentance. We cannot expect to be forgiven without
being sorry for the wrong we did. But we should not demand sorrow for the wrong
someone did to us. Repentance does not earn the right to forgiveness; it only
prepares us to receive the gift.