We don't like to blame others; in fact, we prize the ability to
stand in someone else's shoes and understand why he did what he did. Or we like
to think his intent was good and that he never meant to wound and wrong us. "Judge
not" may have been drummed into our heads from the first time we got angry at someone for treating us badly.
However, insists Smedes, when we fail to blame people, we cannot
forgive them either. However unpopular this stance may be, he feels we need to
adopt it before we can forgive. But first, he deals with the fallacious beliefs
that do not allow us to blame the persons who have wronged us.
The "Who Am I to Judge?" fallacy asserts that imperfect people
have no right to judge others. Its designed to keep us humble. But this type of humility keeps us from judging evil when we see it; it keeps us from holding those who
do us wrong accountable for their actions. We, as rational human beings, have
the right and the obligation to size up others actions and to assign responsibility to them; that is, we must not fail to
place the blame for hurtful and wrong actions on the perpetrators.
The "blame-share" fallacy states that if we share responsibility
for a wrong done to us, we are disqualified from blaming the person who did it. While
it is desirable to accept our responsibility in any situation, we cannot believe that doing so disqualifies us from holding
the other responsible. We can, however, temper our blaming with humility in these
situations, but we must, in all humility, hold the other accountable for his actions.
How about the fallacy that "to understand someone is to forgive
him"? All we have to do is walk a mile in the others shoes, and we realize why
he did what he did. But when we understand someone in this way, forgiveness is
not necessary, because we find ourselves able to excuse his behavior. And if
we freely excuse the behavior, we do not need to forgive. We only need to forgive
the behaviors that we fail to understand, no matter how hard we try. In fact, when we say we've forgiven someone because
we've come to understand why he did what he did, we have not, in fact, forgiven him. We've excused him.
The final fallacy is the belief that someone could not help his
wrongful behavior because he was somehow scripted to do it: by genetic disposition, the environment, or by God. Although I understand that some people actually believe this, I won't give it my time, because I cannot
give fatalism the time of day (or the cells of my brain).
How do we know when someone is to blame for the wrongs we have
suffered? Smedes suggests three tests: (1) The person did the deed. You know it; he knows it. If you don't know for sure, hold
on until you do. (2) He meant to do it.
He knew what he was doing and intended to do it, not because of fate, or by accident, but by choice. (3) He initiated the action. No one forced him to do it.
If all tests check out,
then he is accountable for wrongdoing. If what he did wounded and wronged you
personally, you blame him. Only then do you consider forgiving him.
But dont rush into blame.
You could be wrong. But Smedes' point is that forgiving always
comes with blame attached. Its for the tough-minded; for the ones who know their
own faults, but who recognize a wrong and dare to name it.